The defining question for all men is, "What is a man?"
For most men, the answer to that question is not clear. Few men have discovered the real path to authentic manhood. And fewer still have made a deliberate choice to travel that path. Very few older men today are looking back at their lives saying, "I'm glad I did that!" Instead, what we hear are statements like: "Boy, I have regrets! I wish I had done… I wish I had spent more time…" Most men desire a life of right turns--not wrong turns. Right investments--not wrong investments. Warm memories that bring tears of satisfaction, not bitter recollections that bring tears of pain and regret.
Men's Fraternity will give a man a masculine vision that will bring life to his wife, to his children, to other men, and ultimately to himself. It will give a man vision for manhood and a plan to achieve that end. Men's Fraternity will give a man a community of men who are pursuing that same goal.
In this gathering of men, you will:
- Understand why men are in such a confused state today.
- Identify wounds that have been undercutting your true sense of masculine identity.
- Discover ways to effectively deal with these wounds.
- Develop a clear, practical definition of manhood that is thoroughly rooted in the timeless truths of the Bible.
- Make significant personal discoveries about yourself.
- Learn creative ways to love your wife and children.
- Make new friends who are pursuing a common goal.
- Have a personalized plan for achieving authentic manhood.
- Experience real life change.